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up·right / ˈəpˌrīt/ • adj. 1. vertical; erect: the posts must be in an upright position. ∎  (of a piano) having vertical strings. ∎  greater in height than breadth: an upright freezer. ∎  denoting a device designed to be used in a vertical position: an upright vacuum cleaner. 2. (of a person or their behavior) strictly honorable or honest: an upright member of the community.• adv. in or into a vertical position: she was sitting upright in bed.• n. 1. a post or rod fixed vertically, esp. as a structural support: the stone uprights of the parapet. ∎  (uprights) Football the vertical posts extending up from the goal post, between which a field goal must pass to score. 2. an upright piano.DERIVATIVES: up·right·ly adv.up·right·ness n.

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