
views 2,246,718 updated Jun 11 2018

u·ni·lat·er·al / ˌyoōnəˈlatərəl; -ˈlatrəl/ • adj. 1. (of an action or decision) performed by or affecting only one person, group, or country involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of another or the others: unilateral nuclear disarmament. 2. relating to, occurring on, or affecting only one side of an organ or structure, or of the body.DERIVATIVES: u·ni·lat·er·al·ly adv.


views 3,681,431 updated Jun 08 2018

unilateral XIX. f. UNI- + LATERAL.


views 3,715,532 updated May 14 2018

unilateral (yoo-ni-lat-erăl) adj. (in anatomy) relating to or affecting one side of the body or one side of an organ or other part.

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