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un·du·late • v. / ˈənjəˌlāt; ˈəndyə-/ [intr.] move with a smooth wavelike motion: her body undulated to the thumping rhythm of the music. ∎  [usu. adj.] (undulating) have a wavy form or outline: delightful views over undulating countryside.• adj. / -lit; -ˌlāt/ Bot. & Zool. (esp. of a leaf) having a wavy surface or edge.DERIVATIVES: un·du·late·ly / -litlē/ adv.un·du·la·tion / ˌənjəˈlāshən; ˌəndyə-/ n.un·du·la·to·ry / ˈənjələˌtôrē; ˈəndyə-/ adj.ORIGIN: mid 17th cent.: from late Latin undulatus, from Latin unda ‘a wave.’

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