
views 3,931,155 updated May 21 2018

ul·tra·mon·tane / ˌəltrəˌmänˈtān; -ˈmänˌtān/ • adj. 1. advocating supreme papal authority in matters of faith and discipline.Compare with Gallican. 2. situated on the other side of the Alps from the point of view of the speaker.• n. a person advocating supreme papal authority.DERIVATIVES: ul·tra·mon·ta·nism / -ˈmäntəˌnizəm/ n.


views 1,361,921 updated May 29 2018

ultramontane (one) representing the R.C.Ch. beyond (i.e. north of) the Alps and so not favouring extreme views of papal authority XVI; (orig. from the French point of view) pert. to the R.C.Ch. beyond (i.e. south of) the Alps, (and hence) the Italian party favouring such views XVIII. — medL. ultrāmontānus; see ULTRA-, MOUNT1, -ANE1.


views 2,564,915 updated May 17 2018

ultramontane advocating supreme papal authority in matters of faith and discipline. Recorded from the late 16th century, the name originally denoted a representative of the Roman Catholic Church north of the Alps.

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