stir·rup / ˈstərəp; ˈstə-rəp; ˈstir-/ •
n. 1. each of a pair of devices attached to each side of a horse's saddle, in the form of a loop with a flat base to support the rider's foot.2. (stir·rups) a pair of metal supports in which a woman's heels may be placed during gynecological examinations and childbirth, to hold her legs in a position that will facilitate medical examination or intervention.3. (also stir·rup bone) another term for stapes.4. (stirrups) short for stirrup pants.
stirrup the device probably originated in the Asian steppes around the 2nd century bc, and was of great military value. The word comes (in Old English) from the Germanic base of obsolete sty ‘climb’ + rope, indicating that the original stirrup must have been a looped rope.
hold the stirrup (as in helping a person to mount) indicates an expression of homage or reverence.
stirrup cup a cup of wine or other alcoholic drink offered to a person on horseback who is about to depart on a journey.
hold the stirrup (as in helping a person to mount) indicates an expression of homage or reverence.
stirrup cup a cup of wine or other alcoholic drink offered to a person on horseback who is about to depart on a journey.
stirrup OE. stiġrāp = OS. stigerēp, MDu. steegereep, OHG. stegareif, ON. stigreip; f. Gmc. *stiʒ- climb (see STY1) + *raipaz ROPE.
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