ster·e·o·scope / ˈsterēəˌskōp; ˈsti(ə)r-/ • n. a device by which two photographs of the same object taken at slightly different angles are viewed together, creating an impression of depth and solidity.DERIVATIVES: ster·e·o·scop·ic / ˌsterēəˈskäpik; ˌsti(ə)r-/ adj.ster·e·o·scop·i·cal·ly adv.ster·e·os·co·py / ˌsterēˈäskəpē; ˌsti(ə)r-/ n.
stereoscope Optical device that produces an apparently three-dimensional image by presenting two slightly different plane images, usually photographs, to each eye. Some modern stereoscopes use polarized light (light waves with electromagnetic vibrations in only one direction) to project images that are viewed through polarized filters.
stereoscope An optical device which allows a pair of overlapping, two-dimensional photographs to be examined with three-dimensional (stereoptic) vision, thus permitting more detailed interpretation.