state·ment / ˈstātmənt/ • n. a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing: do you agree with this statement? this is correct as a statement of fact. ∎ an official account of facts, views, or plans, esp. one for release to the media: the officials issued a joint statement calling for negotiations. ∎ a formal account of events given by a witness, defendant, or other party to the police or in a court of law: she made a statement to the police. ∎ a document setting out items of debit and credit between a bank or other organization and a customer. ∎ the expression of an idea or opinion through something other than words: their humorous kitschiness makes a statement of serious wealth. ∎ Mus. the occurrence of a musical idea or motive within a composition: a carefully structured musical and dramatic progression from the first statement of this theme.
statement The unit from which a high-level language program is constructed: a program is a sequence of statements. It is analagous to an instruction at the machine-code level. See also declaration.