square / skwe(ə)r/ • n. 1. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles. ∎ a thing having such a shape or approximately such a shape: she tore a bit of cloth into a four-inch square. ∎ a thing having the shape or approximate shape of a cube: a small square of chocolate. ∎ an open (typically four-sided) area surrounded by buildings in a town, village, or city: a market square | [in place names] Herald Square. ∎ an open area at the meeting of streets. ∎ a small square area on the board used in a game. ∎ a block of buildings bounded by four streets. ∎ hist. a body of infantry drawn up in rectangular form. ∎ a unit of 100 square ft. used as a measure of flooring, roofing, etc.2. the product of a number multiplied by itself: a circle's area is proportional to the square of its radius.3. an L-shaped or T-shaped instrument used for obtaining or testing right angles: a carpenter's square. ∎ Astrol. an aspect of 90° (one quarter of a circle): Venus in square to Jupiter.4. inf. a person considered to be old-fashioned or boringly conventional in attitude or behavior.5. inf. a square meal: three squares a day.• adj. 1. having the shape or approximate shape of a square: a square table. ∎ having the shape or approximate shape of a cube: a square box. ∎ having or in the form of two right angles: a suitable length of wood with square ends. ∎ having an outline resembling two corners of a square: his square jaw. ∎ broad and solid in shape: he was short and square.2. denoting a unit of measurement equal to the area of a square whose side is of the unit specified: 30,000 square feet of new gallery space. ∎ denoting the length of each side of a square shape or object: the office was fifteen feet square.3. at right angles; perpendicular: these lines must be square to the top and bottom marked edges. ∎ Astrol. having or denoting an aspect of 90°: Jupiter is square to the Sun.4. level or parallel: place one piece of wood on top of the other, ensuring that they are exactly square. ∎ properly arranged; in good order: we should get everything square before we leave. ∎ compatible or in agreement: he wanted to make sure we were square with the court's decision and not subject to a lawsuit. ∎ fair and honest: she'd been as square with him as anybody could be.5. (of two people) owing nothing to each other: an acknowledgment that we are square. ∎ with both players or sides having equal scores in a game: the goal brought the match all square once again.6. inf. old-fashioned or boringly conventional: Elvis was anything but square.7. (of rhythm) simple and straightforward.• adv. directly; straight: it hit me square in the forehead ∎ inf. fairly; honestly: I'd acted square and on the level with him.• v. [tr.] 1. make square or rectangular; give a square or rectangular cross section to: you can square off the other edge. ∎ [usu. as adj.] (squared) mark out in squares.2. multiply (a number) by itself: 5 squared equals 25. ∎ [usu. as adj.] (squared) convert (a linear unit of measurement) to a unit of area equal to a square whose side is of the unit specified: there were only three people per kilometer squared.3. make compatible; reconcile: I'm able to square my profession with my religious beliefs. ∎ [intr.] be compatible: do those announcements really square with the facts?4. balance (an account): they're anxious to square their books before the audit. ∎ make the score of (a match or game) even: [tr.] his goal squared the match 1-1. ∎ inf. secure the help, acquiescence, or silence of (someone), esp. by offering an inducement: trying to square the press.5. bring (one's shoulders) into a position in which they appear square and broad, typically to prepare oneself for a difficult task or event: chin up, shoulders squared, she stepped into the room. ∎ (square oneself) adopt a posture of defense.6. Sailing set (a yard or other part of a ship) approximately at right angles to the keel or other point of reference.7. Astrol. (of a planet) have a square aspect with (another planet or position): Saturn squares the Sun on the 17th. PHRASES: back to (or at) square one inf. back to where one started, with no progress having been made.on the square1. inf. honest; straightforward.2. inf. honestly; fairly.3. at right angles.out of square not at right angles.square accounts withsee account.square the circle construct a square equal in area to a given circle (a problem incapable of a purely geometric solution). ∎ do something that is considered to be impossible.a square peg in a round holesee peg.PHRASAL VERBS: square something away arrange or deal with something in a satisfactory way: don't you worry, we'll get things squared away.square off assume the attitude of a person about to fight: the two men squared off | fig. a debate gives the candidates an opportunity to square off. square up settle or pay an account: would you square up the bill? ∎ settle a dispute or misunderstanding: I want to square up whatever's wrong between us.DERIVATIVES: square·ness n.squar·er n.squar·ish adj.
square a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles; in astrology, an aspect of 90° (one quarter of a circle).
From the late 16th century, square was the term for a body of infantry drawn up in rectangular formation, as on a battlefield or parade ground.
From the late 17th century, square has been used (often as part of a place-name) for an open space or area in a town or city, especially one of approximately quadrilateral and rectangular shape enclosed by houses.
back to square one back to the starting-point, with no progress made (square one may be a reference to a board-game such as Snakes and Ladders, or derive from the notional division of a football pitch into eight numbered sections for the purpose of early radio commentaries).
Square Mile an informal name for the City of London.
a square peg in a round hole a person in a situation unsuited to their abilities or character.
square the circle construct a square equal in area to a given circle (a problem incapable of a purely geometrical solution); thus, do something that is considered to be impossible.
1. Angle of 90°.
2. Figure of four equal sides and angles of 90°.
3. Square or rectangular open space in a town, formed at the junction of two or more streets, and surrounded by buildings, as in the Georgian squares of Britain, often with gardens in the middle.
4. Fillet in a series of mouldings.
A. implement for determining a right angle XIII;
B. rectangular figure with four equal sides XIV; rectangular area XVII. Earliest form squire (XIII–XVII) chiefly in sense A, later square (XV), aphetic — OF. esquere, esquare, (mod. équerre) :- Rom. *exquadra, f. *exquadrāre, f. L. EX-1 + quadra square (see QUADRANT).
So square adj. XIV. — OF. esquarré, pp. of esquarrer (whence square vb. XIV).
A square is a rectangle with all sides equal. A square with side a has perimeter 4a and area a2.
The square is used as the unit of area; that is, a figure’s area is expressed as the number of equal squares of some standard, such as square inches or square meters, that the figure can contain. In Greek geometry, the area of a figure was determined by converting the figure to a square of the same area. This is easily accomplished for triangles, rectangles, and other polygons, but is often impossible for other figures, such as circles.
A square is a rectangle with all sides equal. A square with side a has perimeter 4a and area a2.
The square is used as the unit of area; that is, a figure's area is expressed as the number of equal squares of some standard, such as square inches or square meters, that the figure can contain. In Greek geometry , the area of a figure was determined by converting the figure to a square of the same area. This is easily accomplished for triangles, rectangles, and other polygons , but is often impossible for other figures, such as circles.
square In geometry, rectangle with four sides of the same length. In arithmetic or algebra, a square is the result of multiplying a quantity by itself: the square of 3 is 9, and the square of x is x2.