
views 2,511,417 updated May 17 2018

sprint / sprint/ • v. [intr.] run at full speed over a short distance: I saw Charlie sprinting through the traffic toward me.• n. an act or short spell of running at full speed. ∎  a short, fast race in which the competitors run a distance of 400 meters or less: the 100 meters sprint. ∎  a short, fast race or exercise in cycling, swimming, horse racing, etc.DERIVATIVES: sprint·er n.


views 1,928,152 updated Jun 27 2018

sprint †dart, spring XVI; run, etc. fast for a short distance XIX. — ON. *sprinta (Sw. spritta); ult. orig. unkn


views 1,558,535 updated May 29 2018

SPRINT (sprɪnt) Military solid-propellant rocket-intercept missile

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