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sor·ry / ˈsärē; ˈsô-/ • adj. (-ri·er, -ri·est) 1. feeling distress, esp. through sympathy with someone else's misfortune: I was sorry to hear about what happened to your family. ∎  (sorry for) filled with compassion for: he couldn't help feeling sorry for her when he heard how she'd been treated. ∎  feeling regret or penitence: he said he was sorry he had upset me | I'm sorry if I was a bit brusque. ∎  used as an expression of apology: sorry—I was trying not to make a noise. ∎  used as a polite request that someone should repeat something that one has failed to hear or understand: Sorry? In case I what?2. in a poor or pitiful state or condition: he looks a sorry sight with his broken jaw. ∎  unpleasant and regrettable, esp. on account of incompetence or misbehavior: we feel so ashamed that we keep quiet about the whole sorry business.PHRASES: sorry for oneself sad and self-pitying.DERIVATIVES: sor·ri·ly / ˈsärəlē; sô-/ adv.sor·ri·ness n.

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