
views 1,250,648 updated May 23 2018

solar, soler.
1. Garret, loft, or Rood-loft.

2. Private upper chamber on the first floor, often in a cross-wing, of a medieval house.

3. Bay-window, almost the size of a small room, at the side of the high-table end of a medieval hall, or attached to a late-medieval withdrawing-room or dining-room.


Alcock,, Barley,, Dixon,, & and Meeson (1996);
Gwilt (1903)


views 3,174,950 updated May 23 2018

so·lar1 / ˈsōlər/ • adj. of, relating to, or determined by the sun: solar radiation. ∎  relating to or denoting energy derived from the sun's rays: solar·lar2 • n. Brit. an upper chamber in a medieval house.


views 3,923,966 updated May 14 2018

solar. XV — L. sōlāris, f. sōl SUN; see -AR.
So solarium sundial; apartment or area exposed to the sun. XIX; see -IUM.


views 2,814,816 updated May 18 2018

solar an upper chamber in a medieval house; the word comes (in Middle English, via Anglo-Norman French) from Latin solarium ‘gallery, terrace’.

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