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snarl1 / snärl/ • v. [intr.] (of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive growl with bared teeth: [as adj.] (snarling) snarling Dobermans. ∎  (of a person) say something in an angry, bad-tempered voice: I used to snarl at anyone I disliked | [with direct speech] “Shut your mouth!” he snarled | [tr.] he snarled a few choice remarks at them. • n. an act or sound of snarling: the cat drew its mouth back in a snarl.DERIVATIVES: snarl·er n.snarl·ing·ly adv.snarl·y adj.snarl2 • v. [tr.] 1. entangle or impede (something): the bus got snarled up in the downtown traffic. ∎  [intr.] become entangled or impeded: the promising opening soon snarls up in a mess of motives.2. decorate (metalwork) with raised shapes by hammering the underside.• n. a knot or tangle: snarls of wild raspberry plants our hair hung in damp snarls.

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