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slap / slap/ • v. (slapped, slap·ping) [tr.] hit (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand or a flat object: my sister slapped my face. ∎  [intr.] hit against or into something with the sound of such an action: water slapped against the boat. ∎  (slap someone down) inf. reprimand someone forcefully. ∎  [tr.] put or apply (something) somewhere quickly, carelessly, or forcefully: slap on a bit of makeup. ∎  (slap something on) inf. impose a fine or other penalty on: the government had slapped an embargo on imports.• n. a blow with the palm of the hand or a flat object: he gave her a slap across her cheek. ∎  a sound made or as if made by such an action: she heard the slap of water against the harbor wall.• adv. inf. suddenly and directly, esp. with great force: storming out of her room, she ran slap into Luke. ∎  exactly; right: we passed slap through the middle of an enemy armored unit.PHRASES: slap in the face an unexpected rejection or affront.slap on the back congratulations or commendations: they deserve a hearty slap on the back for their efforts.slap someone on the back congratulate someone.slap on the wrist a mild reprimand or punishment.

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