
views updated May 14 2018

582. Servant (See also Butler.)

  1. Abigail helpmeet of King David; traditional name for hand-maiden. [O.T.: I Samuel 25]
  2. Albert popular servants name: assistant, manservant, page-boy. [Br. Lit.: Loving; By The Pricking of My Thumbs; A Damsel in Distress ]
  3. Brighella prototype of interfering servant; meddles and gossips. [Ital. Drama: Walsh Classical, 62]
  4. Despina her stratagems control and resolve the plot. [Ital. Opera: Mozart, Cosi fan tutte, Scholes, 259]
  5. Figaro valet who outwits everyone by his cunning. [Fr. Lit.: Marriage of Figaro ]
  6. Friday young Indian rescued by Crusoe and kept as servant and companion. [Br. Lit.: Robinson Crusoe ]
  7. Ganymede mortal lad, taken by Zeus to be cupbearer to the gods. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 106]
  8. golem automaton homunculus performs duties not permissible for Jews. [Jew. Legend: Jobes, 674]
  9. Hazel meddling maid in the Baxter house. [TV and Comics: Terrace, I, 343]
  10. Hebe cupbearer to the gods; succeeded by Ganymede. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 117]
  11. Ithamore purchased by Barabas to betray Governor of Malta. [Br. Drama: The Jew of Malta ]
  12. Jeeves stereotypical English valet of Wodehouse stories. [Brit. Lit.: NCE, 2997]
  13. Lichas Hercules attendant; unknowingly delivers poisoned robe to him. [Rom. Lit.: Metamorphoses ]
  14. Notburga, St. Bavarian patroness of domestics; beneficent, though poor. [Christian Hagiog.: Attwater, 257]
  15. Passepartout Phileas Foggs rash valet. [Fr. Lit.: Around the World in Eighty Days ]
  16. Thing Addams family servant; a disembodied right hand. [TV: The Addams Family in Terrace, I, 29]
  17. Xanthias carries Bacchuss heavy bundles. [Gk. Lit.: The Frogs ]
  18. Zita, St. devout and generous domestic; patron saint. [Christian Hagiog.: Attwater, 348]


views updated Jun 11 2018

serv·ant / ˈsərvənt/ • n. a person who performs duties for others, esp. a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant. ∎  a person employed in the service of a government. See also civil servant, public servant. ∎  a devoted and helpful follower or supporter: a tireless servant of God.DERIVATIVES: serv·ant·hood / -ˌhoŏd/ n.


views updated Jun 08 2018

servant is thy servant a dog? a biblical saying, with reference to 2 Kings 8:13, in which the Syrian Hazael protests against Elisha's prophecy that he will do harm to Israel.
servant of the servants of God a translation of Latin servus servorum Dei, is a title of the Pope, first assumed by Gregory the Great.

See also fire is a good servant.


views updated May 21 2018

servant personal or domestic attendant XIII; one under obligation to work for (and obey) another XIV. — OF. servant m. and fem. (now only fem. -ante), sb. use of prp. of servir SERVE; see -ANT and cf. SERGEANT.

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