views updated Jun 11 2018





Recommended dosage


Side effects




SAMe (or S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring chemical that is found throughout the entire body. It is involved in many chemical reactions that are necessary for life. SAMe is available as a natural dietary supplement that can be found at some pharmacies or health food stores, and can be purchased without a prescription.


People take supplements of SAMe for many reasons including its possible antidepressant effects. Some evidence suggests that taking SAMe can improve symptoms of depression within two weeks, which is considerably faster than the time it takes for oral antidepressant prescription drugs to work. (Prescription antidepressants often take a minimum of two weeks for patients to begin noticing any effect, and many take four to six weeks.)


SAMe is a specific form of the amino acid methio-nine, a substance that, when not metabolized properly, allows homocysteine to build up in the blood. SAMe is also an antioxidant, a substance that protects the body from damaging reactive oxygen molecules in the body. These reactive oxygen molecules can come from inside the body or from environmental pollution and are thought to play a role in the aging process and the development of degenerative disease. In general, SAMe is thought to raise the level of functioning of other amino acids in the body.

Although people use SAMe for many reasons including osteoarthritis, depression, heart disease, fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendonitis, chronic low back pain, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, improving brain function, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, migraine headaches, lead poisoning, liver disease, and to slow aging, the best evidence to date indicates that SAMe may be effective in relieving symptoms of osteoarthritis and for treating depression.

Several studies have indicated that oral SAMe and intravenous SAMe are effective treatments for depression. The studies researching the oral SAMe were small studies, and often were of short duration. However, the studies indicate that SAMe is effective in treating depression, and that it may be almost as effective as tricyclic antidepressants. Larger studies of SAMe are necessary.

Recommended dosage

SAMe can be taken orally or intravenously. Oral administration is more common. When taken by mouth, doses of 400–1,600 mg have been suggested. For osteoarthritis, 200–600 mg daily is a typical dose. For depression, 400–1,600 mg daily is a typical dose.

200 mg of SAMe has been administered intravenously or intramuscularly for 14 days while simultaneously beginning therapy with prescription antide-pressant drugs. If SAMe is used without prescription antidepressants, 200-400 mg per day by intravenous or intramuscular injections has been used. When treating other medical conditions, doses as high as 800 mg daily by injection have been used. Again, however, intravenous administration is rare in the United States.


As a natural supplement, SAMe has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Claims of safety or effectiveness for treating any medical disorder have not been thoroughly studied by any


Antidepressant—A medication used to treat the symptoms of depression.

Bipolar disorder— A mental disorder characterized by dramatic, and sometimes rapid mood swings, resulting in both manic and depressive episodes; formerly called manic-depressive disorder.

Depression— A mental state characterized by excessive sadness. Other symptoms include altered sleep patterns, thoughts of suicide, difficulty concentrating, agitation, lack of energy, and loss of enjoyment in activities that are usually pleasurable.

Homocysteine— A chemical that builds up in the blood when methionine is not properly processed. High blood levels of homocysteine increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Mania— An elevated or euphoric mood or irritable state that is characteristic of bipolar I disorder. This state is characterized by mental and physical hyper-activity, disorganization of behavior, and inappropriate elevation of mood.

Milligram (mg)— One-thousandth of a gram. A gram is the metric measure that equals about 0.035 ounces.

governmental agency and there is no regulation of natural supplements. This means that potencies may vary between lots or among different manufacturers. It is also possible that supplements may not contain the ingredients that are listed on product labels.

SAMe should be used carefully by individuals with a history of bipolar disorder since it may aggravate symptoms of mania. When used with prescription anti-depressant medications, life-threatening symptoms may occur. It should be used with prescription antide-pressant drugs only under close medical supervision.

Side effects

When taken by mouth, SAMe may cause stomach upset including gas, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and nausea. These symptoms are more common at high doses.

Anxiety has also occurred in people with depression, and mania has been reported in those with a history of bipolar disorder.


As stated, use of SAMe with antidepressants (especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs )

may cause life-threatening symptoms including agitation, tremors, anxiety, rapid heartbeats, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, shivering, muscle stiffness, and excessive sweating. The combination can also cause insomnia. If SAMe is used at the same time that prescription antidepressants are taken, close medical supervision is required.

SAMe may offer beneficial drug interactions when used with some medications. More research is necessary to determine whether SAMe does indeed protect the liver, but some scientists think that SAMe may protect the liver from damage caused by some drugs, including acetaminophen, alcohol, estrogens, steroids, and several other prescription drugs.

People interested in taking SAMe for depression should discuss its use with their doctor to weigh the potential benefits and risks.



Therapeutic Research Faculty. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Stockton, CA: Natural Medicines Database, 2000.


Fetrow, C. W., Pharm.D. and J. R. Avila, Pharm.D. “Efficacy of the dietary supplement S-adenosyl-L-methio-nine.” Annals of Pharmacotherapy 35, no. 11 (Novem ber 2001): 1414-1425.

Kelly Karpa, RPh, Ph.D.


views updated Jun 08 2018


SAD see Seasonal affective disorder

Sadism see Sexual sadism


SAMe (or S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring chemical that is found throughout the entire body. It is involved in many chemical reactions that are necessary for life. SAMe is available as a natural dietary supplement that can be found at some pharmacies or health food stores, and can be purchased without a prescription.


People take supplements of SAMe for many reasons including its possible antidepressant effects. Some evidence suggests that taking SAMe can improve symptoms of depression within two weeks, which is considerably faster than the time it takes for oral antidepressant prescription drugs to work. (Prescription antidepressants often take a minimum of two weeks for patients to begin noticing any effect, and many take four to six weeks.)


SAMe is a specific form of the amino acid methionine, a substance that, when not metabolized properly, allows homocysteine to build up in the blood. SAMe is also an antioxidant, a substance that protects the body from damaging reactive oxygen molecules in the body. These reactive oxygen molecules can come from inside the body or from environmental pollution and are thought to play a role in the aging process and the development of degenerative disease. In general, SAMe is thought to raise the level of functioning of other amino acids in the body.

Although people use SAMe for many reasons including osteoarthritis, depression, heart disease, fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendonitis, chronic low back pain, dementia , Alzheimer's disease , improving brain function, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, migraine headaches, lead poisoning, liver disease, and to slow aging, the best evidence to date indicates that SAMe may be effective in relieving symptoms of osteoarthritis and for treating depression.

Several studies have indicated that oral SAMe and intravenous SAMe are effective treatments for depression. The studies researching the oral SAMe were small studies, and often were of short duration. However, the studies indicate that SAMe is effective in treating depression, and that it may be almost as effective as tricyclic antidepressants. Larger studies of SAMe are necessary.

Recommended dosage

SAMe can be taken orally or intravenously. Oral administration is more common. When taken by mouth, doses of 4001,600 mg have been suggested. For osteoarthritis, 200600 mg daily is a typical dose. For depression, 4001,600 mg daily is a typical dose.

200 mg of SAMe have been administered intravenously or intramuscularly for 14 days while the patient simultaneously begins therapy with prescription antidepressant medication. If SAMe is used without prescription antidepressants, 200-400 mg per day by intravenous or intramuscular injections has been used. When treating other medical conditions, doses as high as 800 mg daily by injection have been used. Again, however, intravenous administration is rare in the United States.


As a natural supplement, SAMe has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Claims of safety or effectiveness for treating any medical disorder have not been thoroughly studied by any governmental agency and there is no regulation of natural supplements. This means that potencies may vary between lots or among different manufacturers. It is also possible that supplements may not contain the ingredients that are listed on product labels.

SAMe should be used carefully by individuals with a history of bipolar disorder since it may aggravate symptoms of mania. When used with prescription antidepressant medications, life-threatening symptoms may occur. It should be used with prescription antidepressant drugs only under close medical supervision.

Side effects

When taken by mouth, SAMe may cause stomach upset including gas, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and nausea. These symptoms are more common at high doses.

Anxiety has also occurred in people with depression, and mania has been reported in those with a history of bipolar disorder.


As stated, use of SAMe with antidepressants (especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs) may cause life-threatening symptoms including agitation, tremors, anxiety, rapid heartbeats, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, shivering, muscle stiffness, and excessive sweating. The combination can also cause insomnia . If SAMe is used at the same time that prescription antidepressants are taken, close medical supervision is required.

SAMe may offer beneficial drug interactions when used with some medications. More research is necessary to determine whether SAMe does indeed protect the liver, but some scientists think that SAMe may protect the liver from damage caused by some drugs, including acetaminophen, alcohol, estrogens, steroids, and several other prescription drugs.

People interested in taking SAMe for depression should discuss its use with their doctor to weigh the potential benefits and risks.



Therapeutic Research Faculty. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Stockton, CA: Natural Medicines Database, 2000.


Fetrow, C. W., Pharm.D. and J. R. Avila, Pharm.D. "Efficacy of the dietary supplement S-adenosyl-L-methionine." Annals of Pharmacotherapy 35, no. 11 (November 2001): 1414-1425.

Kelly Karpa, RPh, Ph.D.


views updated May 18 2018

same / sām/ • adj. (the same) 1. identical; not different; unchanged: he's worked at the same place for quite a few years. ∎  (this/that same) referring to a person or thing just mentioned: that same year I went to Boston. 2. of an identical type: they all wore the same clothes.• pron. 1. (the same) the same thing as something previously mentioned: I'll resign and encourage everyone else to do the same. ∎  people or things that are identical or share the same characteristics: there are several brands and they're not all the same. 2. (chiefly in formal or legal use) the person or thing just mentioned: sighted sub, sank same.• adv. similarly; in the same way: treating women the same as men.PHRASES: all (or just) the same in spite of this; nevertheless: she knew they had meant it kindly, but it had hurt all the same. ∎  in any case; anyway: I can manage alone, thanks all the the same time1. simultaneously. 2. on the other hand; nevertheless; yet: it's a very creative place, but at the same time it's very all the same to be unimportant to (someone) what happens: it was all the same to me where it was being and the same the same person or thing (used for emphasis): the guy in the glasses and Superman were one and the same.same difference inf. used to express the speaker's belief that two or more things are essentially the same, in spite of apparent differences.same here inf. the same applies to me. (the) same to you! may you do or have the same thing (a response to a greeting or insult).DERIVATIVES: same·ness n.


views updated May 29 2018

same not different, identical. XII. — ON. sami m.. sama fem., n. = OHG., Goth. sama :- Gmc. adj. *saman-, f. IE. *som-, whence also Skr. samá- level, equal, same, Gr. homós, OIr. som same; the vars. *sem- *sōm- *sam- of the base are seen in L. similis SIMILAR, SEEM, and SOME.


views updated May 11 2018

Sa·me / ˈsāmē/ • pl. n. variant spelling of Sami.

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