
views updated Jun 11 2018

safe / sāf/ • adj. 1. protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost: she felt safer with them than alone. ∎  Baseball having reached a base without being put out: Davis was safe when the right fielder dropped a fly ball. ∎  Baseball allowing the batter to reach base and not involving an error: a safe hit. ∎  not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury; not involving danger or risk: we have to cross the river where it's safe for us to do so. ∎  (of a place) affording security or protection: put it in a safe place. ∎  based on good reasons or evidence and not likely to be proved wrong: the verdict is safe and satisfactory.2. uninjured; with no harm done: they had returned safe and sound.• n. 1. a strong fireproof cabinet with a complex lock, used for the storage of valuables.2. inf. a condom.DERIVATIVES: safe·ly·ness n.


views updated Jun 27 2018

Safe ★★★ 1995 (R)

Surburban California housewife Carol (Moore) literally becomes allergic to her environment and winds up seeking relief in a holistic center in Albuquerque, where director Haynes takes a shot at the New Age and finds a link to the AIDS crisis. Serious, stylistically detached look at a near future riddled with environmental toxins is led by Moore's performance as the sunny suburbanite undone by the unseen. 119m/C VHS, DVD . Julianne Moore, Peter Friedman, Xander Berkeley, Susan Norman, James LeGros, Mary Carver, Kate McGregor-Stewart, Jessica Harper, Brandon Cruz; D: Todd Haynes; W: Todd Haynes; C: Alex Nepomniaschy; M: Ed Tomney.


views updated May 17 2018

safe safe bind, safe find proverbial saying, mid 16th century, meaning that something kept securely will be readily found again.
safe in the knowledge that confident because of the specified fact.

See also it is best to be on the safe side, better be safe than sorry, a safe pair of hands.


views updated May 17 2018

safe1 free from hurt or damage XIII; free from danger, secure XIV. ME. sauf, sāf — (O)F. sauf (AN. saf) :- L. salvus uninjured, entire, healthy, rel. to Gr. hólos, Skr. sárva-, W. holl whole. Comp. safeguard XV (sauf garde; also saue warde XIV). — AN. salve garde, (O)F. sauve garde.


views updated May 29 2018

safe2 receptacle for safe keeping. XV. orig. save, f. SAVE1; later assim, to prec.


views updated Jun 11 2018


of ducks: a sore of ducks; two ducks. See also sord.

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