
views updated Jun 11 2018

rogation in the Christian Church, a solemn supplication consisting of the litany of the saints chanted on the three days before Ascension Day. The name comes (in late Middle English) from Latin rogatio(n-), from rogare ‘ask’.
Rogation Days in the Western Christian Church, the three days before Ascension Day, traditionally marked by fasting and prayer, particularly for the blessing of the harvest (after the pattern of pre-Christian rituals).
Rogation Sunday the Sunday preceding the Rogation Days. Rogation week is the week in which Ascension Day falls.


views updated May 23 2018

A. (pl.) litanies used on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day (R. Days) XIV;

B. (Rom. hist.) submission by consuls, etc. of a proposed law to the people XV. — L. rogātiō, -ōn-, in medL. pl. (in sense A) Rogātiōnēs, f. rogāre ask; see -ATION.

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