re·mote / riˈmōt/ • adj. (-mot·er, -mot·est) 1. (of a place) far away; distant: I'd chosen a spot that looked as remote from any road as possible. ∎ (of a place) situated far from the main centers of population in a country: a remote Oregon valley. ∎ (of an electronic device) operating or operated by means of radio or infrared signals. ∎ distant in time: a golden age in the remote past. ∎ distantly related: a remote cousin. ∎ having very little connection with or relationship to: the theory seems rather intellectual and remote from everyday experience. ∎ (of a person) aloof and unfriendly in manner: this morning Maria again seemed remote and patronizing. ∎ Comput. denoting a device that can only be accessed by means of a network. Compare with local.2. (of a chance or possibility) unlikely to occur: chances of a genuine and lasting peace become even more remote.• n. a remote control device.DERIVATIVES: re·mote·ness n.
Remote ★★½ 1993 (PG)
Thirteen-year-old Randy is a whiz designing hightech remote-control gadgets. When one of his toys wipes out a friend's science project, Randy's parents try to put a halt to his tinkering but the kid has other plans. Innocuous rip-off of “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” with some “Home Alone” thrown in as well. 80m/C VHS . Chris Carrara, Jessica Bowman, John Diehl, Derya Ruggles, Tony Longo, Stuart Fratkin; D: Ted Nicolaou; W: Mike Farrow; M: Richard Band.
remote XV (rare before late XVI). — L. remōtus, pp. of removēre REMOVE.