
views 2,866,209 updated May 17 2018

pil·lage / ˈpilij/ • v. [tr.] rob (a place) using violence, esp. in wartime. ∎  steal (something) using violence, esp. in wartime: artworks pillaged from churches and museums.• n. the action of pillaging a place or property, esp. in wartime.DERIVATIVES: pil·lag·er n.


views 1,506,574 updated May 21 2018

pillage spoliation, plunder. XIV. — (O)F., f. piller plunder (whence pill †plunder, pillage, dial. peel XIII, superseding †pile, OE. *pilian, pylian XII), in OF. only in espiller, f. OF. peille rag:- L. pilleum felt cap; see -AGE.
Hence vb. XVI.

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