per·am·bu·late / pəˈrambyəˌlāt/ • v. [tr.] formal walk or travel through or around (a place or area), esp. for pleasure and in a leisurely way: she perambulated the square. ∎ [intr.] walk from place to place; walk about: he grew weary of perambulating over rough countryside in bad weather.DERIVATIVES: per·am·bu·la·tion / pəˌrambyəˈlāshən/ n.per·am·bu·la·to·ry / -ləˌtôrē/ adj.
perambulation travelling through a place, tour; spec. for the purpose of recording boundaries XV; bounds XVII. — AN. perambulation or medL. perambulātiō, -ōn-, f. L. perambulāre, whence perambulate XVI, earlier †peramble; see PER-, AMBLE, -ATE3, -ATION.
So perambulator †traveller, pedestrian; †hodometer XVII; hand carriage for young children XIX.
1.. The established boundaries of a forest or parish.
2.. A legal document that defines an area of land by describing its boundaries.
3.. A walk around established boundaries.