
views 3,163,589 updated Jun 27 2018

o·ver·flow • v. / ˌōvərˈflō/ [intr.] (esp. of a liquid) flow over the brim of a receptacle: chemicals overflowed from a storage tank| [tr.] the river overflowed its banks. ∎  (of a container) be so full that the contents go over or extend above the sides: a bath had overflowed upstairs boxes overflowing with bright flowers | [as adj.] (overflowing) an overflowing ashtray. ∎  (of a space) be so crowded that people cannot fit inside: the waiting area was overflowing. ∎  [tr.] flood or flow over (a surface or area): her hair overflowed her shoulders. ∎  (overflow with) fig. be very full of (an emotion or quality): her heart overflowed with joy.• n. / ˈōvərˌflō/ 1. [in sing.] the excess or surplus not able to be accommodated by an available space: to accommodate the overflow, five more offices have been built. ∎  the flowing over of a liquid: there was some overflow after heavy rainfall | an overflow of sewage. 2. (also overflow pipe) (in a bathtub or sink) an outlet for excess water.3. Comput. the generation of a number or some other data item that is too large for an assigned location or memory space.PHRASES: full to overflowing completely full.


views 1,306,894 updated May 18 2018

overflow The condition that arises when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the size of the location allotted for receipt of that result, or the amount by which the result exceeds the allotted number.

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