
views updated May 14 2018

mutton Meat from the fully grown sheep, Ovis aries. (Lamb is from animals under 1 year old.) Depending on the cut, protein ranges are 12–18%; fat, 13–32%; energy, 195–380 kcal (820–1600 kJ). A 150‐g portion of fillet (5% fat) is a rich source of protein and niacin; a good source of vitamin B2; a source of iron and vitamin B1; supplies 180 kcal (750 kJ).


views updated May 18 2018

mut·ton / ˈmətn/ • n. the flesh of sheep, esp. mature sheep, used as food: roast mutton.DERIVATIVES: mut·ton·y adj.


views updated Jun 27 2018

mutton XIII. ME. moto(u)n — OF. moton (mod. mouton):- medL. multō, -ōn-, prob. of Gaul. orig. (cf. (O)Ir. molt ram, Gael. mult wether, W. mollt sheep).

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