
views updated Jun 11 2018

mesh / mesh/ • n. 1. material made of a network of wire or thread: mesh for fishing nets | finer wire meshes are used for smaller particles. ∎  the spacing of the strands of such material: if the mesh is too big, small rabbits can squeeze through.2. an interlaced structure: cell fragments that agglutinate and form intricate meshes. ∎  [in sing.] fig. used with reference to a complex or constricting situation: the raveled mesh of events and her own emotions. ∎  Comput. a set of finite elements used to represent a geometric object for modeling or analysis. ∎  Comput. a computer network in which each computer or processor is connected to a number of others, esp. as an n-dimensional lattice.• v. 1. [intr.] (of the teeth of a gearwheel) lock together or be engaged with another gearwheel: one gear meshes with the input gear. ∎  make or become entangled or entwined: [intr.] their fingers meshed | [tr.] I don't want to get meshed in the weeds. ∎ fig. be in or bring into harmony: [intr.] her memory of events doesn't mesh with the world around her. 2. [tr.] represent (a geometric object) as a set of finite elements for computational analysis or modeling.PHRASES: in mesh (of the teeth of gearwheels) engaged.DERIVATIVES: meshed adj.mesh·y adj.


views updated Jun 27 2018

mesh (grid) The result of subdividing a region in time and/or space into smaller subregions. A rectangular region in the x,y-plane can thus be divided into smaller rectangles by lines parallel to the x- and y-axes. The points of intersection of the lines are called the mesh (or grid) points. A discretization method replaces differential equations defined in a region by a finite set of equations, which define approximations to the exact solution at the mesh points. The finite-difference and finite-element methods are important methods of this general type. See also adaptive meshing.


views updated May 17 2018

mesh open space or interstice of a network. XVI. Early forms also meish, meash, mash; prob. — MDu. maesche (Du. maas), and masche, repr. Gmc. *mǣsk- (whence OHG. māsca) and *mask- (whence OE. max, *mæsċ net, mæscre mesh, OHG. masca, G. masche).

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