
views updated Jun 11 2018

mark1 / märk/ • n. 1. a small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage: the blow left a red mark down one side of her face. ∎  a spot, area, or feature on a person's or animal's body by which they may be identified or recognized: he was five feet nine, with no distinguishing marks. 2. a line, figure, or symbol made as an indication or record of something. ∎  a written symbol made on a document in place of a signature by someone who cannot write. ∎  a level or stage that is considered significant: unemployment had passed the two million mark. ∎  a sign or indication of a quality or feeling: the flag was at half-mast as a mark of respect. ∎  a characteristic property or feature: it is the mark of a civilized society to treat its elderly members well. ∎  a competitor's starting point in a race. ∎  Naut. a piece of material or a knot used to indicate a depth on a sounding line. ∎  Telecommunications one of two possible states of a signal in certain systems. The opposite of space. 3. a point awarded for a correct answer or for proficiency in an examination or competition: many candidates lose marks because they don't read the questions carefully | fig. full marks to them for highlighting the threat to the rain forest. ∎  a figure or letter representing the total of such points and signifying a person's score: the highest mark was 98 percent. ∎  (esp. in track and field) a time or distance achieved by a competitor, esp. one which represents a record or personal best. 4. (followed by a numeral) a particular model or type of a vehicle, machine, or device: a Mark 10 Jaguar. 5. a target: few bullets could have missed their mark. ∎ inf. a person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of: they figure I'm an easy mark.• v. [tr.] 1. make (a visible impression or stain) on: he fingered the photograph gently, careful not to mark it. ∎  [intr.] become stained: it is made from a sort of woven surface which doesn't mark or tear. 2. write a word or symbol on (an object), typically for identification: she marked all her possessions with her name | [tr.] an envelope marked “private and confidential.” ∎  write (a word or figure) on an object: she marked the date down on a card. ∎  (mark something off) put a line by or through something written or printed on paper to indicate that it has passed or been dealt with: he marked off their names in a ledger. 3. show the position of: the top of the pass marks the border between Alaska and the Yukon. ∎  separate or delineate (a particular section or area of something): you need to mark out the part of the garden where the sun lingers longest. ∎  (of a particular quality or feature) separate or distinguish (someone or something) from other people or things: his sword marked him out as an officer. ∎  (mark someone out for) select or destine someone for (a particular role or condition): the solicitor general marked him out for government office. ∎  (mark someone down as) judge someone to be (a particular type or class of person): she had marked him down as a liberal. ∎  acknowledge, honor, or celebrate (an important event or occasion) with a particular action: to mark its fiftieth anniversary, the group held a fashion show. ∎  be an indication of (a significant occasion, stage, or development): a series of incidents which marked a new phase in the terrorist campaign. ∎  (usu. be marked) characterize as having a particular quality or feature: the reaction to these developments has been marked by a note of hysteria. ∎ chiefly Brit. (of a clock or watch) show (a certain time): his watch marked five past eight. 4. (of a teacher or examiner) assess the standard of (a piece of written work) by assigning points for proficiency or correct answers: the teachers are given adequate time to mark term papers. ∎  (mark someone/something down) reduce the number of marks awarded to a student, candidate, or their work: I was marked down for having skipped the last essay question. 5. notice or pay careful attention to: he'll leave you, you mark my words! 6. (of a player in a team game) stay close to (a particular opponent) in order to prevent them getting or passing the ball.PHRASES: be quick (or slow) off the mark be fast (or slow) in responding to a situation or understanding something.get off the mark get started.leave (or make) its (or one's or a) mark have a lasting or significant effect: she left her mark on the world of foreign policy.make one's mark attain recognition or distinction.mark time (of troops) march on the spot without moving forward. ∎ fig. pass one's time in routine activities until a more favorable or interesting opportunity presents itself.near (or close) to the mark almost accurate: to say he was their legal adviser would be nearer the (or wide of) the mark incorrect or inaccurate: his solutions are completely off the mark.of mark dated having importance or distinction: he had been a man of mark.on the mark correct; accurate.on your marks used to instruct competitors in a race to prepare themselves in the correct starting position: on your marks, get set, go!up to the mark of the required standard. ∎  (of a person) as healthy or in as good spirits as usual: Johnny's not feeling up to the mark at the moment.PHRASAL VERBS: mark something down (of a retailer) reduce the indicated price of an item.mark something up1. (of a retailer) add a certain amount to the cost of goods to cover overhead and profit: they mark up the price of imported wines by 66 percent. 2. annotate or correct text for printing, keying, or typesetting.mark2 • n. 1. the basic monetary unit of Germany (until the introduction of the euro), equal to 100 pfennigs; a Deutschmark or, formerly, an Ostmark. 2. a former English and Scottish money of account, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence in the currency of the day. ∎  a denomination of weight for gold and silver, formerly used throughout western Europe and typically equal to 8 ounces (226.8 grams).


views updated May 11 2018

1. Land held in common by, e.g., a village community.

2. Proper name of certain principalities, e.g., Mark of Brandenburg.

3. Indicator of a boundary, e.g. a post or stone marker.

4. Masonry monument.

5. Sign or token.

6. Device or incised character indicating ownership or origin, e.g. mason's mark, used to identify work done, as in medieval buildings.

7. In Freemasonry, a designation of a grade, degree, or rank of a mark-mason: a mark-lodge is therefore a lodge of mark-masons.

8. Denomination of weight (mostly for gold or silver), therefore a monetary value which, in the Middle Ages, was about two-thirds of a Pound Sterling.


views updated Jun 11 2018

mark be quick (or slow) off the mark be fast (or slow) in responding to a situation or understanding something.
the mark of the beast in Revelation 16:2, a sign placed on followers or worshippers of Antichrist. In extended use, the phrase was first used to mean an indicator or symptom of heresy, and then more generally a sign of infamy.
wide of the mark a long way away from the intended target, inaccurate.

See also mark of Cain, mark with a white stone, X marks the spot, mark of Zorro.


views updated Jun 08 2018

A. (hist.) boundary (landmark); trace, orig. as a sign OE.
B. target XIII
C. (f. MARK3) remark, note XVI. OE. (Angl.) merc, (WS.) mearc = OS. marka (Du. mark), OHG. marcha (G. mark), ON. mǫrk (recorded only in sense ‘forest’), Goth. marka :- Gmc. *markō; rel. to L. margō MARGIN, OIr. mruig (Ir. bruig) boundary, territory, W. bro district, Av. marəzu boundary, Pers. marz landmark.
Hence marksman XVII (earlier † markman XVI); see B above.


views updated Jun 08 2018

1. One of the binary signaling states on serial communication lines of terminals; the other state is called space. Mark often corresponds to a negative voltage, space to a positive voltage.

2. A line drawn on specially formatted cards or forms that are used with mark sensing or mark reading equipment.

3. See tape mark.


views updated May 18 2018

A. put a mark upon OE.;

B. notice, observe, REMARK XIV. OE. mearcian = OS. (gi)-markōn appoint, observe (Du. marken), OHG. marchōn plan, ON. marka mark, observe:- Gmc. *markōjan, f. *markō MARK1.


views updated May 14 2018

mark2 weight of gold or silver; money of account. OE. marc, corr. to MDu. marc (Du. mark), MHG. marke, ON. mǫrk; the Gmc. forms, which vary in gender, are prob. all — medL. marcus, marca; perh. ult. identical with MARK1.

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