
views updated May 29 2018

link1 / lingk/ • n. 1. a relationship between two things or situations, esp. where one thing affects the other: investigating a link between pollution and forest decline. ∎  a social or professional connection between people or organizations: he retained strong links with the media. ∎  something that enables communication between people: sign language interpreters represent a vital link between the deaf and hearing communities. ∎  a means of contact by radio, telephone, or computer between two points: they set up a satellite link with Tokyo. ∎  a means of travel or transport between two places: a rail link from Newark to Baltimore. ∎  Comput. a code or instruction that connects one part of a program or an element in a list to another.2. a ring or loop in a chain. ∎  a unit of measurement of length equal to one hundredth of a surveying chain (7.92 inches).• v. make, form, or suggest a connection with or between: [tr.] rumors that linked his name with Judith foreign and domestic policy are linked [intr.] she was linked up with an artistic group. ∎  connect or join physically: [tr.] a network of routes linking towns and villages the cows are linked up to milking machines [intr.] three different groups, each linking with the other. ∎  [tr.] clasp; intertwine: once outside he linked arms with her.link2 • n. hist. a torch of pitch and tow for lighting the way in dark streets.


views updated May 14 2018

1. To join together two or more separately compiled program modules, usually with additional library modules, to form an executable program. See also link editor.

2. (linkage) A part of a program, possibly a single instruction or address, that passes control and parameters between separate portions of the program. The instruction, address, etc., links the separate portions.

3. (pointer) A character or group of characters that indicates the storage of an item of data. Thus when a field of an item A in a data structure contains the address of another item B, i.e. of its first word in memory, it contains a link to B. Two items are linked when one has a link to the other. An important case is the link left pointing into the calling code by the call of a subroutine, i.e. the value of the program counter at the point of call. See also linked list.

4. A word or phrase in a hypertext document that when selected in some way leads the user to another part of the document or a different document.

5. (line) A path for communication that may be physical (as in a circuit) or either physical or logical (as in a channel). See also data link.


views updated May 21 2018

Link Woof! 1986 (R)

A primatologist and his nubile assistant find their experiment has gone—you guessed it—awry, and their hairy charges are running—yep, that's right—amok. Run for your life! 103m/ C VHS, DVD . GB Elisabeth Shue, Terence Stamp, Steven Pinner, Richard Garnett; D: Richard Franklin; W: Everett DeRoche; C: Mike Molloy; M: Jerry Goldsmith.


views updated May 23 2018

link1 loop of a chain, etc. XIV (implied in AL. linkum). — ON. *hlenkr (Olcel. hlekkr) :- Gmc. *χlaŋkjaz, rel. to OE. hlenċan pl. armour, MHG. gelenke (coll.) flexible parts of the body, gelenk joint, link; cf. LANK.
Hence vb. XIV.


views updated Jun 11 2018

link2 torch. XVI. of obscure orig.

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United Kingdom. Met Office. Climate Impacts LINK Project

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Updated Aug 13 2018 About content Print Topic

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    United Kingdom. Met Office. Climate Impacts LINK Project