
views 3,657,773 updated May 14 2018

lach·ry·mal / ˈlakrəməl/ (also lac·ri·mal or lac·ry·mal) • adj. 1. formal or poetic/literary connected with weeping or tears.2. (usu. lacrimal) Physiol. & Anat. concerned with the secretion of tears: lacrimal cells.• n. 1. (usu. lacrimal or lacrimal bone) Anat. a small bone forming part of the eye socket.2. short for lachrymal vase.


views 1,967,089 updated May 23 2018

lachrymal pert. to tears. XVI. —medL. lachrymālis, lacrimālis. f. lacrima, earlier lacruma tear, rel. to Gr. dákru; see -AL1.
So lachrymatory tear-vase. XVII. lachrymose tearful. XVII. — L.


views 1,638,786 updated May 18 2018

lachrymal A small bone near the centre of the face, situated just within or just outside the orbit, and often perforated to accommodate the lachrymal (tear) duct.

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