views 2,362,097 updated Jun 11 2018kes·trel / ˈkestrəl/ •
n. a small falcon (genus Falco) that hovers with rapidly beating wings while searching for prey on the ground. Several species include the common kestrel (F. tinnunculus) of Eurasia and Africa, and the American kestrel (F. sparverius).
The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English
views 3,067,462 updated Jun 27 2018kestrel (windhover) Small falcon that lives mainly in Europe, and hovers over its prey before attacking. It feeds mainly on rodents, insects and small birds. Length: 30cm (12in). Species Falco tinnunculus.
World Encyclopedia
views 1,357,826 updated May 11 2018kestrel XV. Earliest form castrell, perh. for *casserell — dial. var. casserelle of F. crécerelle, †cresserelle, f. synon. crécelle rattle, kestrel, perh. ult. of imit. orig.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology T. F. HOAD
views 2,133,526 updated May 29 2018kestrel figuratively (in archaic use), a contemptible person. In falconry, a kestrel is traditionally the bird flown by a knave.
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ELIZABETH KNOWLES