
views 3,746,261 updated May 18 2018

in·sert • v. / inˈsərt/ [tr.] 1. place, fit, or thrust (something) into another thing, esp. with care: a steel rod was inserted into the small hole he pulled out a small cassette recorder and inserted a new tape. ∎  add (text) to a piece of writing: he immediately inserted a clause into later contracts the objection has been inserted in the minutes. ∎  place (a spacecraft or satellite) into an orbit or trajectory. ∎  (usu. be inserted) Biol. incorporate (a piece of genetic material) into a chromosome.2. (be inserted) Anat. Zool. (of a muscle or other organ) be attached to a part, esp. that which is moved: the muscle that raises the wing is inserted on the dorsal surface of the humerus.• n. / ˈinˌsərt/ a thing that has been inserted, in particular: ∎  a loose page or section, typically one carrying an advertisement, in a magazine or other publication. ∎  a shot inserted into a movie or video.DERIVATIVES: in·sert·a·ble·sert·er n.


views 1,667,373 updated May 21 2018

1. One of the basic actions performed on sets that, when applied in the form insert(el, S)

adds the element el to the set S. If el is already in S the operation has no effect on the membership of S. See also operations on sets.

2. One of the basic actions performed on lists, that places a new element into a list, not necessarily at one end or the other.


views 1,403,971 updated May 29 2018

insert set or put in. XVI. f. insert-, pp. stem of L. inserere, f. IN-1 + serere plant, join, put into (see SOW2).
So insertion XVI. — late L.

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