in·sert • v. / inˈsərt/ [tr.] 1. place, fit, or thrust (something) into another thing, esp. with care: a steel rod was inserted into the small hole he pulled out a small cassette recorder and inserted a new tape. ∎ add (text) to a piece of writing: he immediately inserted a clause into later contracts the objection has been inserted in the minutes. ∎ place (a spacecraft or satellite) into an orbit or trajectory. ∎ (usu. be inserted) Biol. incorporate (a piece of genetic material) into a chromosome.2. (be inserted) Anat. Zool. (of a muscle or other organ) be attached to a part, esp. that which is moved: the muscle that raises the wing is inserted on the dorsal surface of the humerus.• n. / ˈinˌsərt/ a thing that has been inserted, in particular: ∎ a loose page or section, typically one carrying an advertisement, in a magazine or other publication. ∎ a shot inserted into a movie or video.DERIVATIVES: in·sert·a·ble·sert·er n.
1. One of the basic actions performed on sets that, when applied in the form insert(el, S)
adds the element el to the set S. If el is already in S the operation has no effect on the membership of S. See also operations on sets.
2. One of the basic actions performed on lists, that places a new element into a list, not necessarily at one end or the other.