in·scribe / inˈskrīb/ • v. [tr.] (usu. be inscribed) 1. write or carve (words or symbols) on something, esp. as a formal or permanent record: his name was inscribed on the new silver trophy. ∎ mark (an object) with characters: the memorial is inscribed with ten names | [as adj.] (inscribed) an inscribed watch. ∎ write an informal dedication to someone in or on (a book): he inscribed the first copy “To my dearest grandmother.” ∎ archaic enter the name of (someone) on a list or in a book; enroll.2. Geom. draw (a figure) within another so that their boundaries touch but do not intersect: a regular polygon inscribed in a circle. Compare with circumscribe.DERIVATIVES: in·scrib·a·ble·scrib·er n.
in·scrip·tion / inˈskripshən/ • n. words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book: the inscription on her headstone. ∎ the action of inscribing something: the inscription of memorable utterances on durable materials.DERIVATIVES: in·scrip·tion·al / -shənl/·scrip·tive / -ˈskriptiv/ adj.
inscribe write in or on; (geom.) delineate within a figure XVI; enrol; mark with characters XVII. — L. inscrībere, f. IN-1 + scrībere write.
So inscription XIV.