
views updated Jun 27 2018

in·hib·it / inˈhibit/ • v. (-hib·it·ed, -hib·it·ing) [tr.] hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process): cold inhibits plant growth. ∎  prevent or prohibit someone from doing something: the earnings rule inhibited some retired people from working. ∎ Psychol. voluntarily or involuntarily restrain the direct expression of (an instinctive impulse). ∎  make (someone) self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way: his mother's strictures would always inhibit him. ∎  chiefly Physiol. Biochem. (chiefly of a drug or other substance) slow down or prevent (a process, reaction, or function) or reduce the activity of (an enzyme or other agent). ∎  (in ecclesiastical law) forbid (a member of the clergy) to exercise clerical functions.DERIVATIVES: in·hib·i·tive / -tiv/·hib·i·to·ry / -ˌtôrē/ adj.


views updated May 17 2018

inhibit (eccl. law) forbid, interdict XV; restrain XVI. f. inhibit-, pp. stem of L. inhibēre hold in, hinder, f. IN-1 + habēre have, hold.
So inhibition XIV. — OF. or L.


views updated May 18 2018

inhibit To prevent the occurrence of an event, e.g. to use a logic gate to inhibit another signal. Compare enable.

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