
views updated May 23 2018

hind1 / hīnd/ • adj. (esp. of a bodily part) situated at the back; posterior: he snagged a calf by the hind leg.PHRASES: on one's hind legs see leg.hind2 • n. 1. a female deer, esp. a red deer or sika in and after its third year.2. any of several large edible groupers with spotted markings.hind3 • n. archaic, chiefly Scot. a skilled farm worker. ∎  a peasant or rustic.


views updated May 18 2018

hind3 situated at the back, posterior. XIII. This and synon. hinder 1 (XIV) appear to be abstracted from OE. hinde(r)weard backward, back-, bihindan BEHIND. cf. OE. hindan from behind, hinder below, corr. to OHG. hintana (G. hinten) adv. behind, Goth. hindana prep. beyond, and OS. hindiro, MLG. hinder, OHG. hintar (G. hinter), ON. compar. hindri, Goth. hindar prep. beyond, the further relations of which are doubtful.
Hence hindermore, hindermost, hindmost XIV.


views updated May 21 2018

hind a hind is the emblem of St Eustace, St Giles, and St Hubert; St Etheldreda, who is said to have been brought milk by two does, may also be shown with them.


views updated May 14 2018

hind1 female of the deer. OE. hind, corr. to OS. hind-, (M)Du. hinde, OHG. hinta (G. hinde), ON. hind :- Gmc. *χinþjō, f. IE. *kem- hornless, repr. by Gr. kemās young deer, Skr. śáma-, Lith. šmùlas hornless.


views updated Jun 27 2018

hind2 farm servant; farm bailiff. XVI. Later form of late OE., ME. hine pl. household servants, (hence) sg. (esp. farm) servant, lad; presumably developed from OE. hīġna, g. pl. of hīġan, hīwan (cf. HIDE1).

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