
views updated May 21 2018

haunch / hônch; hänch/ • n. 1. a buttock and thigh considered together, in a human or animal. ∎  the leg and loin of an animal, such as a deer, as food: haunch of caribou meat.2. Archit. the side of an arch, between the crown and the pier.PHRASES: sit on one's haunches squat with the haunches resting on the backs of the heels.


views updated May 18 2018

1. Indefinite roughly triangular portion or flank between the crown and abutments of an arch, i.e. between the crown and the springing on the piers.

2. Timber slightly arched or concave on its underside under a lintel.

3. Part of a beam projecting below a floor, usually slightly cambered.


views updated May 17 2018

haunch Hindquarters of deer, see venison.


views updated May 14 2018

haunch XIII. — (O)F. hanche, of Gmc. origin (cf. LG. hanke hind leg of a horse).

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