guest / gest/ • n. a person who is invited to visit the home of or take part in a function organized by another: I have two guests coming to dinner tonight | [as adj.] a guest bedroom. ∎ a person invited to participate in an official event: the bishop went to Cuba as a guest of the Catholic Church | [as adj.] a guest speaker. ∎ a person invited to take part in a radio or television program, sports event, or other entertainment: a regular guest on the morning show | [as adj.] a guest appearance. ∎ a person lodging at a hotel or boardinghouse: a reduction for guests staying seven nights or more. ∎ a customer at a restaurant. ∎ Entomol. a small invertebrate that lives unharmed within an ants' nest.• v. [intr.] inf. appear as a guest: he guested on one of her early albums.PHRASES: be my guest inf. please do: May I choose the restaurant? Be my guest!guest of honor the most important guest at an occasion.ORIGIN: Middle English: from Old Norse gestr, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gast and German Gast, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin hostis ‘enemy’ (originally ‘stranger’).
guest XIII. — ON. gestr; superseding OE. ġ(i)est = OS., OHG. (Du., G.) gast, Goth. gasts :- Gmc. *ðastiz :- IE. *ghostis, repr. also by L. hostis enemy, orig. stranger, OSl. gostǐ guest, friend, and perh. by Gr. xénos stranger.