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give / giv/ • v. (past gave / gāv/ ; past part. giv·en / ˈgivən/ ) 1. freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to: they gave her water to drink the check given to the jeweler proved worthless | [tr.] he gave the papers back. ∎  bestow (love, affection, or other emotional support): his parents gave him the encouragement he needed to succeed | [as adj.] (giving) he was very giving and supportive. ∎  administer (medicine): she was given antibiotics. ∎  hand over (an amount) in exchange or payment; pay: how much did you give for that? ∎  (give something for) place a specified value on (something): he never gave anything for French painting or for abstraction. ∎  [tr.] used hyperbolically to express how greatly one wants to have or do something: I'd give anything for a cup of tea I'd give my right arm to be in Othello. ∎  communicate or impart (a message) to (someone): give my love to all the girls. ∎  [tr.] commit, consign, or entrust: a baby given into their care by the accident of her birth. ∎  freely devote, set aside, or sacrifice for a purpose: all who have given thought to the matter agree | [intr.] committee members who give so generously of their time and effort. ∎  [tr.] (of a man) sanction the marriage of (his daughter) to someone: he gave her in marriage to an English noble. ∎  (give oneself to) dated consent to have sexual intercourse with (someone). ∎  pass on (an illness or infection) to (someone): I hope I don't give you my cold. ∎  [usu. in imper.] make a connection to allow (someone) to speak to (someone else) on the telephone: give me the police. ∎  cite or present when making a toast or introducing a speaker or entertainer: for your entertainment this evening I give you … Mister Albert DeNiro!2. cause or allow (someone or something) to have (something, esp. something abstract); provide or supply with: you gave me such a fright | [tr.] this leaflet gives our opening times. ∎  allot or assign (a score) to: I gave it five out of ten. ∎  sentence (someone) to (a specified penalty): for the first offense I was given a fine. ∎  concede or yield (something) as valid or deserved in respect of (someone): give him his due. ∎  allow (someone) to have (a specified amount of time) for an activity or undertaking: give me a second to bring the car around | [tr.] I'll give you until tomorrow morning. ∎ inf. predict that (an activity, undertaking, or relationship) will last no longer than (a specified time): this is a place that will not improve with time—I give it three weeks. ∎  [tr.] yield as a product or result: milk is sometimes added to give a richer cheese. ∎  [tr.] (give something off/out/forth) emit odor, vapor, or similar substances: it can be burned without giving off toxic fumes.3. [tr.] carry out or perform (a specified action): I gave a bow | he gave the counter a polish. ∎  utter or produce (a sound): he gave a gasp. ∎  provide (a party or social meal) as host or hostess: a dinner given in honor of a Canadian diplomat | Korda gave him a going-away party. 4. [tr.] state or put forward (information or argument): he did not give his name. ∎  pledge or assign as a guarantee: I give you my word. ∎  say to (someone) as an excuse or inappropriate answer: don't give me any of your back talk. ∎  deliver (a judgment) authoritatively: I gave my verdict. ∎  present (an appearance or impression): he gave no sign of life. ∎  [intr.] inf. tell what one knows: okay, give—what's that all about?5. [intr.] alter in shape under pressure rather than resist or break: that chair doesn't give. ∎  yield or give way to pressure: the heavy door didn't give until the fifth push | fig. when two people who don't get on are thrust together, something's got to give. ∎  [intr.] inf. concede defeat; surrender: I give!• n. capacity to bend or alter in shape under pressure; elasticity: plastic pots that have enough give to accommodate the vigorous roots. ∎ fig. ability to adapt or comply; flexibility: there is no give at all in the British position.PHRASES: give oneself airs act pretentiously or snobbishly.give and take mutual concessions and compromises. ∎  [as v.] make concessions and compromises.give as good as one gets respond with equal force or vehemence when attacked.give the (whole) game (or show) away inadvertently reveal something secret or concealed.give it to someone inf. scold or punish someone.give me —— I prefer or admire ——: give me the mainland any day!give me a break inf. used to express exasperation, protest, or disbelief.give or take —— inf. to within —— (used to express the degree or accuracy of a figure): three hundred and fifty years ago, give or take a few. ∎  apart from: give or take a handful of machine tools, there are few new products.give rise to cause or induce to happen: decisions which give rise to arguments.give someone to understand (or believe or know) inform someone in a formal and rather indirect way: I was given to understand that I had been invited.give up the ghostsee ghost.give someone what for inf. dated punish or scold someone severely.not give a damn (or hoot, etc.) inf. not care at all: people who don't give a damn about the environment.what gives? inf. what's the news?; what's happening? (frequently used as a friendly greeting).PHRASAL VERBS: give someone away1. reveal the true identity of someone: his strangely shaped feet gave him away. ∎  reveal information that incriminates someone.2. hand over a bride ceremonially to her bridegroom as part of a wedding ceremony.give something away reveal something secret or concealed. give in cease fighting or arguing; yield; surrender: he reluctantly gave in to the pressure.give on to Brit. (of a window, door, corridor, etc.) overlook or lead into: a plate glass window gave on to the roof.give out be completely used up: her energy was on the verge of giving out. ∎  stop functioning; break down: he curses and swears till his voice gives out. give something out distribute or broadcast something: I've been giving out leaflets. give up cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure.give it up [usu. in imper.] inf. applaud a performer or entertainer.give oneself up to1. surrender oneself to law-enforcement agents.2. dated allow oneself to be taken over by (an emotion or addiction): he gave himself up to pleasure.give someone up1. deliver a wanted person to authority: a voice told him to come out and give himself up.2. dated stop hoping that someone is still going to arrive: oh, it's you—we'd almost given you up. ∎  pronounce a sick person incurable.give something up part with something that one would prefer to keep: she would have given up everything for love. ∎  stop the habitual doing or consuming of something: I've decided to give up drinking.give up on stop having faith or belief in: they weren't about to give up on their heroes so easily.DERIVATIVES: giv·er n.

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