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gird1 / gərd/ • v. (past and past part. gird·ed or girt / gərt/ ) [tr.] poetic/lit. encircle (a person or part of the body) with a belt or band: a young man was to be girded with the belt of knighthood. ∎  secure (a garment or sword) on the body with a belt or band: a white robe girded with a magenta sash. ∎  surround; encircle: the mountains girding Kabul.PHRASES: gird (up) one's loins prepare and strengthen oneself for what is to come.PHRASAL VERBS: gird oneself for prepare oneself for (dangerous or difficult future actions).gird2 archaic • v. [intr.] make cutting or critical remarks: they girded at the committee.• n. a cutting or critical remark; a taunt.

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