
views 2,115,135 updated May 17 2018

for·ay / ˈfôrˌā; ˈfärˌā/ • n. a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, esp. to obtain something; a raid: the garrison made a foray against Richard's camp | fig. he made another foray to the bar. ∎  an attempt to become involved in a new activity or sphere: my first foray into journalism.• v. [intr.] make or go on a foray: the place into which they were forbidden to foray.DERIVATIVES: for·ay·er n.


views 3,691,478 updated May 18 2018

foray hostile incursion. XIV (in early use Sc.). prob. f. foray vb. (XIV), back-formation from ME. forayer forager, raider, var. of forrier — OF. :- Rom. *fodrārius, f. *fodro FODDER (cf. FORAGE).

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