ep·i·phyte / ˈepəˌfīt/ • n. Bot. a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic, such as the numerous ferns, bromeliads, air plants, and orchids growing on tree trunks in tropical rain forests.DERIVATIVES: ep·i·phyt·al / ˌepəˈfītl/ adj.ep·i·phyt·ic / ˌepəˈfitik/ adj.
epiphyte (air plant) Plant that grows on another plant, but is not a parasite. Epiphytes usually have aerial roots and produce their own food by photosynthesis. They are common in tropical forests. Examples are some ferns, orchids, Spanish moss, and many bromeliads.
epiphyte A plant that uses another plant, typically a tree, for its physical support, but which does not drawn nourishment from it. Well-known examples include Platycerium (staghorn fern) and many members of the Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae. Epiphytes are a conspicuous feature of many kinds of tropical rain forest.
epiphyte A plant that uses another plant, typically a tree, for its physical support, but which does not draw nourishment from it. Well-known examples include Platycerium (staghorn fern) and many members of the Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae. Epiphytes are a conspicuous feature of many kinds of tropical rain forest.
epiphyte (bot.) vegetable parasite. XIX. f. Gr. EPI- +phutón plant.