
views 2,788,039 updated Jun 27 2018

de·clare / diˈkle(ə)r/ • v. 1. say something in a solemn and emphatic manner. ∎  [tr.] formally announce the beginning of (a state or condition): Spain declared war on Britain. ∎  [tr.] pronounce or assert (a person or thing) to be something specified: the mansion was declared a fire hazard. ∎  [intr.] (declare for/against) openly align oneself for or against (a party or position) in a dispute. ∎  [intr.] announce oneself as a candidate for an election: he declared last April. ∎  (declare oneself) reveal one's intentions or identity. ∎  (declare oneself) archaic express feelings of love to someone.2. [tr.] acknowledge possession of (taxable income or dutiable goods).3. [tr.] announce that one holds (certain combinations of cards) in a card game.PHRASES: well, I declare (or I do declare) an exclamation of incredulity, surprise, or vexation.DERIVATIVES: de·clar·a·ble·clar·a·to·ry / -ˈkle(ə)rəˌtôrē/·clar·ed·ly / -ˈkle(ə)ridlē/ adv.


views 1,287,732 updated Jun 27 2018

declare †manifest; state publicly or explicitly. XIV. — L. dēclārāre make clear, f. DE- 3 + clārāre, f. clārus CLEAR.
So declaration XIV, declaratory XV.

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