
views updated May 18 2018

cry / krī/ • v. (cries, cried) [intr.] shed tears, esp. as an expression of distress or pain: don't cry—it'll be all right| [tr.] you'll cry tears of joy. ∎  shout or scream, esp. to express one's fear, pain, or grief: the little girl fell down and cried for her mommy. ∎  say something in an excited or anguished tone of voice: “Where will it end?” he cried out. ∎  (cry out for) fig. demand as a self-evident requirement or solution: the present system cries out for reform. ∎  (of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call. ∎  [tr.] (of a hawker) proclaim (wares) for sale in the street.• n. (pl. cries) a spell of weeping. ∎  a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion: a cry of despair. ∎  a distinctive call of a bird or other animal. ∎  a loud excited utterance of a word or words: there was a cry of “Silence!” ∎  the call of a hawker selling wares on the street. ∎  an urgent appeal or entreaty. ∎  a demand or opinion expressed by many people: peace became the popular cry.PHRASES: cry one's eyes (or heart) out weep bitterly and at length.cry foul protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice.cry wolfsee wolf.for crying out loud inf. used to express one's irritation or impatience: why do you have to take everything so personally, for crying out loud?it's no use crying over spilt (or spilled) milksee milk.


views updated Jun 11 2018

cry cry for the moon ask for what is unattainable or impossible.
cry one's eyes (or heart) out weep bitterly and at length.
cry stinking fish disparage one's own efforts or products. From the practice of street vendors crying their wares (shouting and praising their goods) to attract customers.
don't cry before you're hurt sometimes used as a warning against appealing for sympathy on the assumption of an unpleasant outcome. Recorded in English from the mid 16th century, but a similar saying is found in early 14th-century French.
in full cry expressing an opinion loudly and forcefully. Full cry originated as a hunting expression referring to a pack of hounds all baying in pursuit of their quarry.
it is no use crying over spilt milk it is pointless to repine when it is too late to prevent the misfortune. Saying recorded from the mid 17th century.

See also cry wolf, much cry and little wool, sing before breakfast, cry before supper.


views updated May 18 2018

cry call out (for); announce publicly; shout in lamentation XIII; weep XVI. — (O)F. crier :- L. quirītāre cry aloud, wail.
So cry sb. loud utterance. XIII. — (O)F. cri.


views updated May 29 2018


of players: actors collectively -Lipton. Also, a cry of hounds.

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