
views updated May 23 2018

cor·rect / kəˈrekt/ • adj. free from error; in accordance with fact or truth. ∎  not mistaken in one's opinion or judgment; right. ∎  (of a thing or course of action) meeting the requirements of or most appropriate for a particular situation or activity. ∎  (of a person or their appearance or behavior) conforming to accepted social standards; proper. ∎  conforming to a particular political or ideological orthodoxy.See also politically correct.• v. [tr.] put right (an error or fault). ∎  mark the errors in (a written or printed text). ∎  tell (someone) that they are mistaken: he had assumed she was married and she had not corrected him. ∎  counteract or rectify: the problem of diminished sight can be reduced or corrected by wearing eyeglasses. ∎  adjust (an instrument) to function accurately or in accord with a standard. ∎  adjust (a numerical result or reading) to allow for departure from standard conditions: data were corrected for radionuclide decay.DERIVATIVES: cor·rect·a·ble adj.cor·rect·ly adv.cor·rect·ness n.


views updated Jun 08 2018

1. In accordance with a STANDARD, especially of artistic, literary, or linguistic style (and often synonymous with proper): correct usage
2. Of persons, adhering to an acknowledged standard of behaviour, speech, writing, etc.: ‘The best and correctest authours’ (Johnson, 1736, quoted in Boswell's Life)
3. To set right, amend, mark or point out errors in (a text, essay, etc.); to rebuke, punish for faults of character or performance; to counteract and bring into line: ‘I praye maister Iohn Skelton … poet laureate in the vnyuersite of oxenforde, to ouersee and correcte this sayd booke’ ( Caxton, Eneydos, 1490). See EDUCATION, ORTHOEPY, ORTHOGRAPHY, POLITICALLY CORRECT.


views updated May 17 2018

correct 1 vb. XIV. f. correct-, pp. stem of L. corrigere, f. COR- + regere lead straight, direct (see REGENT).
So correction XIV. — (O)F. — L. corrective adj. XVI; sb. XVII. — F.


views updated Jun 27 2018

correct 2 that is in accordance with a standard XVII; with truth XVIII. — F. — L. correctus amended, correct, pp. of corrigere (see prec.).
Hence correctitude correctness of conduct. XIX.

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