
views 2,982,501 updated May 14 2018

con·se·quence / ˈkänsikwəns; -ˌkwens/ • n. 1. a result or effect of an action or condition: many have been laid off from work as a consequence of the administration's policies.2. importance or relevance: the past is of no consequence he didn't say anything of great consequence. ∎ dated social distinction: a woman of consequence.PHRASES: in consequence as a result.take the consequences accept responsibility for the negative results of one's action.


views 1,802,843 updated Jun 08 2018

consequence thing resulting, logical result XIV; importance, moment (orig. in phr. of consequence prop. having issues or results) XVI. — (O)F. conséquence — L. consequentia, f. consequī, consequent- follow closely; see CON-, SEQUENCE.
So consequent resulting XV (earlier in consequently), consequential XVII.

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