
views updated May 21 2018

coil1 / koil/ • n. a length of something wound or arranged in a spiral or sequence of rings: a coil of rope. ∎  a single ring or loop in such a sequence. ∎  a roll of postage stamps, esp. one for use in a vending machine. ∎  a slow-burning spiral made with the dried paste of pyrethrum powder, which produces a smoke that inhibits mosquitoes from biting. ∎  (often the coil) an intrauterine contraceptive device in the form of a coil. ∎  an electrical device consisting of a length of wire arranged in a coil for converting the level of a voltage, producing a magnetic field, or adding inductance to a circuit: a relay coil. ∎  such a device used for transmitting high voltage to the spark plugs of an internal combustion engine. ∎  a length of wire or piping wound in circles or spirals.• v. [tr.] arrange or wind (something long and flexible) in a joined sequence of concentric circles or rings: he began to coil up the heavy ropes he coiled a lock of her hair around his finger. ∎  [intr.] move or twist into such an arrangement or shape: smoke coiled lazily toward the ceiling.coil2 • n. archaic or dial. a confusion or turmoil.


views updated May 23 2018

coil 2 lay up (a rope or cable) in concentric rings XVI; twist or twine up XVII (also †quoil). — OF. coillir (mod. cueillir gather) :- L. colligere COLLECT.
Hence coil sb. length of rope coiled up XVI (quille); series of concentric rings XVII.


views updated May 29 2018


a series of rings; a selection; a spiral; connected pipes in rows or layers.

Examples: coil of hair, 1888; of hay, 1800; of lace, 1858; of lava, 1869; of men, women, and children, 1856; of proper men, 1574; of bubbling springs, 1816; of teal [in flight].


views updated May 09 2018

coil 1 (arch.) disturbance, confusion, fuss. XVI. of unkn. orig.; now familiar mainly in mortal c. (from Sh. Hamlet III. i. 67).


views updated May 23 2018

COIL (kɔɪl) chemical oxygen-iodine laser

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