
views 2,876,173 updated Jun 27 2018

cir·cum·scribe / ˈsərkəmˌskrīb/ • v. [tr.] (often be circumscribed) 1. restrict (something) within limits: their movements were strictly monitored and circumscribed.2. Geom. draw (a figure) around another, touching it at points but not cutting it.Compare with inscribe.DERIVATIVES: cir·cum·scrib·er n.cir·cum·scrip·tion / ˌsərkəmˈskripshən/ n.


views 3,085,120 updated May 29 2018

circumscribe draw a line round; describe (a figure) about another; delimit. XV. — L. circumscrībere, f. circum around + scrībere write (see CIRCUM-, SCRIBE).
So circumscription XV.

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