
views updated May 18 2018

bud1 / bəd/ • n. a compact knoblike growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot. ∎  Biol. an outgrowth from an organism that separates to form a new individual without sexual reproduction taking place. ∎  Zool. (of an animal) a rudimentary leg or other appendage that has not yet grown, or never will grow, to full size.• v. (bud·ded, bud·ding) [intr.] Biol. (of a plant or animal) form a bud: new blood vessels bud out from the vascular bed. ∎  [tr.] graft a bud of (a plant) on to another plant.PHRASES: in bud (of a plant) having newly formed buds.bud2 • n. inf. a form of address, usually to a boy or man, used esp. when the name of the one being addressed is not known: listen, bud, I saw you there with my own eyes.


views updated May 29 2018

1. (in botany) A condensed immature shoot with a short stem bearing small folded or rolled leaves. The outer leaves of a bud are often scalelike and protect the delicate inner leaves. A terminal (or apical) bud exists at the tip of a stem or branch while axillary (or lateral) buds develop in the axils of leaves. However, in certain circumstances buds can be produced anywhere on the surface of a plant. Some buds remain dormant, but may become active if the terminal bud is removed. It is common gardening practice to remove the terminal buds of some shoots to induce the development of lateral shoots from axillary buds. See also apical dominance.

2. (in biology) An outgrowth from a parent organism that breaks away and develops into a new individual in the process of budding.


views updated May 23 2018

bud. In the Corinthian capital the bud-like form at the top of the stalks out of which the volutes grow.


views updated May 17 2018

bud In plants, a small swelling or projection consisting of a short stem with overlapping, immature leaves covered by scales. Leaf buds develop into leafy twigs, and flower buds develop into blossoms. A bud at the tip of a twig is a terminal bud and contains the growing point; lateral buds develop in leaf axils along a twig.


views updated May 21 2018

bud2 (U.S.) infantile or negro alt. of BROTHER.
Also buddy (-Y6). XIX.


views updated May 17 2018

bud1 flower or leaf not opened. XIV. ME. bodde, budde, of unkn. orig.
Hence bud vb. XIV.


views updated Jun 27 2018

bud An immature shoot, protected by tough scale leaves, from which the stem and leaves or flowers may develop.

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