
views updated Jun 08 2018

brook1 / broŏk/ • n. a small stream.DERIVATIVES: brook·let / -lit/ n.brook2 • v. [tr.] formal tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition): Jenny would brook no criticism of Matthew.


views updated Jun 27 2018

brook2 †enjoy. use OE.; (lit.) put up with, endure XVI. OE. brūcan str. vb. = OS. brūkan, OHG. brūhhan (G. brauchen use, want, need) (cf. Goth. brūkjan). f. Gmc. *brūk- make use of :- IE. *bhrug-, whence L. fruī enjoy (see FRUIT). Weak inflexions occur XIV.


views updated Jun 11 2018

brook1 small stream. OE. brōc, corr. to LG. and HG. words meaning ‘marsh, bog’, MLG. brōk. (M)Du. broek, OHG. bruoh (G. bruch); of unkn. orig.

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