
views updated May 29 2018

belt / belt/ • n. 1. a strip of leather or other material worn around the waist or across the chest, esp. in order to support clothes or carry weapons: a sword belt [as adj.] a belt buckle. ∎ short for seat belt. ∎  a belt worn as a sign of rank or achievement: he was awarded the victor's belt. ∎  a belt of a specified color, marking the attainment of a particular level in judo, karate, or similar sports: [as adj.] brown-belt level. ∎  a person who has reached such a level: I am a karate black belt. ∎  (the belt) the punishment of being struck with a belt.2. a strip of material used in various technical applications, in particular: ∎  a continuous band of material used in machinery for transferring motion from one wheel to another.3. a strip or encircling band of something having a specified nature or composition that is different from its surroundings: the asteroid belt a belt of trees.4. a heavy blow: she ran in to administer a good belt with her stick.5. inf. a gulp or shot of liquor: they could probably use a few belts.• v. [tr.] 1. [tr.] fasten with a belt: she paused only to belt a robe about her waist. ∎  [intr.] be fastened with a belt: the jacket belts at the waist. ∎  attach or secure with a belt: he was securely belted into the passenger seat.2. beat or strike (someone), esp. with a belt, as a punishment. ∎  hit (something) hard: he belted the ball to the left-field fence.3. gulp a drink quickly: belting down shots of a potent drink called arrack.PHRASES: below the belt unfair or unfairly; disregarding the rules: there has been yet another below-the-belt blow to the workers of Chicago.tighten one's belt cut one's spending; live more frugally.under one's belt1. safely or satisfactorily achieved, experienced, or acquired: I want to get more experience under my belt.2. (of food or drink) consumed: Gus already had a large brandy under his belt.PHRASAL VERBS: belt something out sing or play a song loudly and forcefully.DERIVATIVES: belt·ed adj. (usu. in sense 1 of the noun ).


views updated May 18 2018


a continuous series of objects, usually encircling something; also a broad strip of any kind usually bordering something.

Examples: belt of lechery, 1483; of mirrors, 1857; of paternosters or Our Fathers, 1844; of trees.


views updated May 18 2018

belt OE., corr. to OHG. balz, ON. belti, ult. — L. balteus, -um.

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