
views 2,992,620 updated May 23 2018

bach·e·lor / ˈbach(ə)lər/ • n. 1. a man who is not and has never been married: Mark is a confirmed bachelor2. a person who holds an undergraduate degree from a university or college (only in titles or set expressions): he graduated with a bachelor's degree in philosophy | a Bachelor of Arts.DERIVATIVES: bach·e·lor·hood / -ˌhoŏd/ n.


views 2,360,840 updated Jun 11 2018

bachelor young man, aspirant to knighthood XIII; knight, university graduate XIV. ME. bacheler — OF. bacheler, of uncert. orig. For the sp., see -OR1.


views 1,926,874 updated May 18 2018


One of the names given to Satan when he appeared in the guise of a great he-goat for the purpose of sexual intercourse with the witches.

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