
views 2,928,768 updated May 18 2018

aph·o·rism / ˈafəˌrizəm/ • n. a pithy observation that contains a general truth, such as, “if it ain't broke, don't fix it.” ∎  a concise statement of a scientific principle, typically by an ancient classical author.DERIVATIVES: aph·o·rist n.aph·o·ris·tic / ˌafəˈristik/ adj.aph·o·ris·ti·cal·ly / ˌafəˈristik(ə)lē/ adv.aph·o·rize / -ˌrīz/ v.


views 3,475,286 updated May 21 2018

aphorism a concise statement of a scientific principle, typically by a classical author; a pithy observation which contains a general truth. The word comes from the ‘Aphorisms of Hippocrates’, and was transferred to other sententious statements of the principles of physical science, and then to statements of principles generally.


views 1,804,200 updated Jun 08 2018

aphorism XVI. — F. aphorisme, or late L. aphorismus — Gr. aphorismós, f. aphorízein define, f. APO- + horizein (see HORIZON).

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