views 2,623,551 updated May 17 2018am·bi·ent / ˈambēənt/ •
adj. of or relating to the immediate surroundings of something: the liquid is stored at below ambient temperature.•
n. (also ambient music) a style of instrumental music with electronic textures and no persistent beat, used to create or enhance a mood or atmosphere.
The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English
views 2,561,867 updated May 23 2018ambient XVI. — F. ambiant or L. ambient-, prp. stem of ambīre go round, f. amb- AMBI- + īre go; see -ENT.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology T. F. HOAD
views 3,210,259 updated May 18 2018ambient Describing the conditions and factors that are present in the immediate environment. For example, the ambient temperature is the local temperature in a specific environment.
A Dictionary of Biology