1850-1877: Sports and Recreation: Publications

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1850-1877: Sports and Recreation: Publications

Athletic Sports for Boys (New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1866)a handbook with descriptions of various sports;

J. T. Crane, Popular Amusements (Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Waiden, 1869)a description of games and other leisure activities;

Capt. Flack, The Texan Rifle-Hunter (London: J. Maxwell, 1866)a handbook for Texas hunters;

Washington Gladden, Amusements: Their Uses and Abuses (North Adams, Mass.: J. T. Robinson, 1866)the liberal clergyman argues for sport, glee, fun, not the dismal, repressed, shamefaced variety, but the real hilarious, exuberant sort;

Thomas Hillgrove, A Complete Practical Guide to the Art of Dancing (New York: Dick Sc Fitzgerald, 1863) which includes advice on matters of etiquette as well as dance;

Addison V. Newton, The Saloon Keepers Companion, and Book of Reference, for Saloon Keepers, Proprietors of Hotels, and Sporting Men (Worcester: West & Lee, 1875)includes a complete record of all sporting events up to 15 April 1875;

Charles A. Peverelly, The Book of American Pastimes (New York: The Author, 1866)a description of leisure activities;

Caroline L. Smith, The American Home Book ofln-Door Games, Amusements, and Occupations (Boston: Lee Sc Shepard, 1874)a guide to home entertainments for the family;

William Wood, Manual of Physical Exercises (New York: Harper, 1867)a guide to a variety of exercises, including gymnastics, rowing, skating, fencing, cricket, calisthenics, sailing, swimming, sparring, and baseball.

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